What is Trauma?

Trauma is an experience that develops suddenly and unexpectedly in people’s lives, where people realize that they cannot cope with this new experience and feel intense grief, stress, horror and fear, which threatens the safety of themselves and of their loved ones.


يواصل مكتبنا التمثيلي في اسطنبول تقديم خدماته في المبنى الجديد المتواجد في أوكميدان.


يقدم الخط الاستشاري التابع لمكتب SGDD-ASAM التمثيلي في إسطنبول خدماته بين الساعات 09.00-12.30 خلال أيام العمل.


Our Istanbul Representative Office continues its services in our new building in Okmeydanı


ASAM Istanbul Representative Office Counseling Line operates from 09.00-12.30 on weekdays.