Body Safety Rules

My Body Belongs To Me! I am the boss of my body and I have the right to choose where I can stand.

If I feel uncomfortable next to a person or if I think that the person can harm me, I can stay away from that person. I can at least stay a couple of steps behind.

I have the right to say No if I don’t want to kiss or hug someone. 

I can exchange greetings from a distance; I can shake someone’s hand or blow them a kiss from afar. 

No one has the right to touch me without my consent.

Form a Safety Network (A List of People I Trust)

I form a safety network. The people in that network are those who I can talk to about everything. I know that when I tell them something, they will believe me. This is how my safety network is: 

  1. My mom
  2. My teacher
  3. My aunt Fatma
  4. Doctor Ahmet

If they don’t understand, I explain the situation again over and over again until I convince them. 

If I ever feel worried, scared or unsure, I can tell the people in my safety network how I feel and why I feel that way. I know that they will make an effort to protect me.

I know the meaning of certain reactions in my body

I notice that I start to sweat a lot when I feel scared or unsafe. At the same time, I sometimes become nauseous and feel like vomiting. At these moments, my entire body could start shaking. My heart could start beating really fast.   

When I have these reactions, it means I don’t feel safe. If this is how I feel about something, I must speak about it to a grownup I trust.

Remember your Safety Network!

Private Parts

My private parts are the parts of my body covered by my undergarments. 

  • No one can touch my private parts. 
  • No one can ask me to touch his or her private parts. 
  • No one should show pictures of their own private parts! 
  • If anything like this happens, I must tell a grownup in my Safety Network!

“Doctors can touch me for treatment purposes when my parents are by my side”


  • No can tell me, “This is a secret, don’t tell anyone” and no one can ask me to hide information from my mom, dad, or other grownups that I trust in a way that makes me uneasy!  
  • I should never keep secrets that makes me feel bad or uncomfortable!

If someone asks me to keep a secret that makes me feel bad or unsafe, I must tell a grownup in my Safety Network straightaway.


  • If the person touching you makes you feel uncomfortable,
  • If this touch makes you scared or angry,
  • If someone is forcing you to touch their body!
  • If the person touching you asks you not to tell this to anyone, that it’s a secret!
  • If the person touching you threatens to harm you or your loved ones in case you tell this to someone!


يواصل مكتبنا التمثيلي في اسطنبول تقديم خدماته في المبنى الجديد المتواجد في أوكميدان.


يقدم الخط الاستشاري التابع لمكتب SGDD-ASAM التمثيلي في إسطنبول خدماته بين الساعات 09.00-12.30 خلال أيام العمل.