Therefore, four separate MHPSS group sessions will first be organized, ensuring the participation of at least 15 individuals from each vulnerable group in each of the project provinces, including women and girls at risk, victims of sexual and gender-based violence, male adolescents and children. The aim is to reach 60 individuals in each province (8 project provinces in total). At least 360 adults will be reached through these sessions to be held in each province. Likewise, at least 120 children will be reached through the child group sessions to be held by including 15 children from each province. In addition to the main issues related to MHPSS, psychological health, mental health problems, mental health services, experts providing these services, false facts, and basic stretching and relaxation techniques will be addressed during these sessions.

As the second stage of the awareness raising activities, seminars will be held for those working in the field of MHPSS. These planned seminars will not be in the form of a training, but will be organized as platforms for information and experience sharing. It is planned to hold these seminars with the participation of at least 20 individuals working in various public institutions, NGOs, academies, and municipalities in the project provinces.
Lastly, MHPSS Awareness Raising Panels for Local Administrations will be held with the participation of individuals from academic institutions, local administrations, municipalities, NGOs, and refugees/asylum seekers in each of the project provinces. The panels will aim to provide information to the refugees/asylum seekers about the services offered by different local administrations and to enable local administrations to have the chance to see the problems in the field. Forming a MHPSS communication network between the service providers is also among the aims. It is planned to organize the panels with the participation of 30 individuals in each of the project provinces.