Needs Assessment Report

A needs assessment has been conducted within the Project to identify the needs of refugees and asylum seekers in the field of MHPSS. The issues to be prioritized has been chosen through the direct participation and contributions of the target groups.

The needs assessment has been conducted through three different methods;

1) Survey

During the needs assessment conducted to identify the MHPSS needs of refugees and asylum seekers, a total of 937 persons were surveyed based on the aim to interview at least 100 persons in each of the 8 project provinces. During the research, carried out to discover the opinions and awareness of refugees and asylum seekers related to mental health, the sample identified in terms of participation in the survey was chosen by taking into account equal distribution by gender and vulnerabilities.

2) Focus Group Discussions

After identifying the main problems, needs and requests concerning the field through the survey, focus group discussions moderated by psychologists were held with groups of at least 6 persons in the 8 provinces. For this purpose, 53 adults were reached in each Project province. A focus group discussion was also held with 8 children aged between 9 and 11 to identify their needs in this regard.

3) In-Depth Interviews with Refugees/Asylum Seekers and Experts in the Field

Since the issues addressed during the focus group discussions are more general compared to individual interviews so as not to disrupt the dynamics and function of the group, in-depth interviews were held with 40 refugees and asylum seekers in the project provinces, which have been carried out by the psychologists who moderated the focus group discussions. This way, it has become possible to identify individuals’ views related to MHPSS in more detail. In-depth interviews were also held with 9 experts, assigned to institutions that work with refugees and asylum seekers in the area of mental health, as well as in national and international NGOs, with the intention of identifying experts’ views regarding the field, the problems and their suggestions. The needs assessment report has been completed and could be reached from here after it is published.

Turkish Report

English Report


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