Following the earthquake, more than 800 employees from all over Turkey participated in search and rescue and humanitarian aid operations in the affected provinces of Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Adıyaman, Malatya, Gaziantep and Malatya.
What are we doing in the earthquake zone?
Projects in the Region
After the February 6th earthquake, you can review our projects in the region.
ASAM is Now a Member of the International Step by Step Association ISSA!
Happy 23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day!
Women earthquake survivors Celebrated March 8th International Women’s Day at Rumkale
30 years of experience
As Turkey’s largest non-governmental organization, we provide assistance regardless of language, religion, gender, race and political opinion with more than two thousand employees in 52 offices in 27 provinces, and we continue our experience of more than a quarter of a century on an international scale with our representative offices in Athens and Brussels.
About Us
As Turkey’s largest non-governmental organization, we provide assistance with more than two thousand employees in 52 offices in 27 provinces, regardless of language, religion, gender, race or political opinion.
We strive to contribute to a life in which all those in need have access to basic rights and services, their protection needs are met in a manner befitting human dignity, and health and education opportunities are provided.
Migrant TV, which aims to provide asylum seekers and refugees with important developments and announcements on the agenda of the country and the world, as well as any information that may be necessary, in their own language, broadcasts in seven languages: Turkish, English, Arabic, Farsi, French, Somali and Ukrainian.
Psychological Health Awareness and Psychological Support Needs Analysis Report
This needs assessment report aims to measure the level of protection and empowerment of vulnerable groups’ psychological health, as well as to examine the level of awareness of asylum-seekers about the concept of MHPSS and its components.
SGDD Migration Academy is where theoretical knowledge in the field of migration meets practice. SGDD-ASAM’s more than half a century of knowledge meets with the graduate and doctoral students we provide scholarships in our academy.