Syrian Support Workers Programme

With the Syrian Support Workers (SSW) Programme implemented in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), it is aimed to enable the access of asylum seekers living in Türkiye to available social service mechanisms and opportunities through employment.

Awareness Raising on MHPSS for the Refugees Living in Türkiye Project

The “Awareness Raising on Mental Health Psycho-Social Support for the Refugees Living in Türkiye”, implemented with the financial support of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aims to generate and spread content with regards to mental health and psychosocial support to come up with solutions for the challenges experienced by refugees and primary health care providing institutions in terms of MHPSS.

Support for School Enrolment Programme

The “Support for School Enrolment Programme”, run with the financial support of the European Union and collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), contributes to raising schooling rates of Syrian children and improving their access to formal and non-formal education opportunities.