Earthquake Response, Assistance and Early Recovery in Hatay Project

The “Earthquake Response, Assistance and Early Recovery in Hatay Project” seeks to improve the living standards and mitigate the protection risks of persons affected by the earthquake.

The Project includes activities conducted in the fields of WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), protection, mental health, and psychosocial support (MHPSS) by adopting a holistic approach. In this regard, technical staff (carpenters, plumbers), psychologists, social workers, and lawyers are involved in the Project activities.

Showers and toilets found in communal areas in the container cities are being repaired, new sanitation units are being established, and existing units are being made accessible for individuals with disabilities and children. Moreover, safe communal spaces like playgrounds and gathering areas are being formed, while improvement works are underway in the existing spaces.

As part of individual case management, support is offered to the residents of the container cities by ensuring their access to social aid and support mechanisms and providing them with health counseling. In addition, legal information sessions are offered, aiming to prevent loss of rights resulting from the earthquake.

Furthermore, group psychosocial support sessions held by psychologists focus on issues including coping with stress, positive parenting and co-existence.



Coverage Area


Areas of Work

Social Cohesion