Representatives of the Association of Ukrainians in İzmir, the Ukrainian Association in Ankara, Association of Ukrainians in Bursa, and Black Sea Association of Ukrainians participated in the closing meeting that was held between 29 and 30 January. UNICEF Child Protection Specialist Annalisa Caparello and ASAM Executive Director İbrahim Vurgun Kavlak also attended the meeting.

The achievements of the Grants Program and future actions were addressed in the meeting
During the closing meeting of the Small Grants Program, launched on 13 November 2023 with the aim of supporting the wellbeing and social cohesion of children, the events conducted over the course of the Program, examples of best practices, experiences gained, and sustainable activities were shared.
As part of the meeting, representatives of Ukrainian Associations coming from across Türkiye visited ASAM Headquarters and Al Farah Child and Family Support Center, followed by a tour of Atatürk’s mausoleum (Anıtkabir) and Ankara Castle.