Depremden Etkilenen Çocukların Ebeveynlerine Öneriler

Klinik Psikolog Didem Arıkan Çolak, depremden etkilenen çocukların ebeveynleri ve bakım verenleri için öneriler paylaşıyor.
Workshop Organized on Raising Awareness of Psychological Support

The first workshop and panel organized in scope of the “Awareness Raising on MHPSS for the Refugees Living in Turkey Project” that is being implemented by ASAM with the financial support of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs were held in İzmir.
Dünya Ruh Sağlığı Günü Kutlu Olsun!

Dünya Ruh Sağlığı Federasyonu tarafından 1992 yılından itibaren 10 Ekim, Dünya Ruh Sağlığı Günü olarak belirlenmiştir.
10 October World Mental Health Day Special Broadcast

Prof. Dr. Okan Cem Çırakoğlu refers to the importance of psychological health in the 10 October World Mental Health Day Special Broadcast.
What is Mental Health?

Mental health problems affect our life much more than we are aware. If you too would like to benefit from mental health services, you could request support from the ASAM office closest to you. Interviews are free of charge and are conducted based on the principle of confidentiality.