SGDD-ASAM brought together Pırıl Akdeniz, who lost her teammate Ceren Topal in the...
ASAM participated in the “Civil Voices Festival”, where hundreds of CSOs from across...
To increase its efficiency in the international sphere, ASAM, which conducts its activities...
SGDD-ASAM brought together Pırıl Akdeniz, who lost her teammate Ceren Topal in the...
23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day was celebrated with great joy in...
ASAM Women’s Gathering brought together hundreds of women earthquake survivors from the earthquake-affected...

The story of the ASAM Search and Rescue Team, listening intently for any sound echoing from under the rubble

Latest News

The Guide Entitled ‘Sharing the Future: Opportunities for Social Harmonization in Türkiye’,...
An acquaintance meeting was held with the first scholarship recipients of ASAM...
Famous singer Nilüfer visited the Child Friendly Space formed in collaboration with...
Launched with the support of the people and government of Taiwan, the...
ASAM, with over 700 staff members who immediately reached the region from...